I'm Kevin, a software developer
based in Bergen County, NJ.

I enjoy creating things that live on the internet,
whether that be websites, applications, or anything in between.

Portfolio Highlights

E-Commerce Website

A website that includes a home page, shop page with shopping cart functionality, and sign-in page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. View the project here.

Smite Discord Bot

A Discord bot that relays match information from the videogame “Smite”. The Smite API is being used to obtain match data from the game in a JSON format, and the Discord API is being used to create a bot that will relay the information after being given certain commands from a user. The JSON data was stored on and parsed from a MySQL database using Python.

Web Scraper

A Python web scraper for Bodybuilding.com using the Beautiful Soup library and the Urlib module. It scrapes the top 50 products on the site and organizes the products, their brands, ratings, as well as any current discounts in an easy-to-read Excel spreadsheet.
View the project here.

Fossil Park App

A Flutter app created for Rowan University's fossil park. Displays information on it and utilizes ListView to display images and information about different fossils.
View the project here.

Tic-Tac-Toe App

A Flutter app of the game Tic-Tac-Toe. I have also made Tic-Tac-Toe using Java in Android Studio.
View the project here.

About Me

My goal is to always build products that provide pixel-perfect, performant experiences. I have received my Bachelor's in Computing and Informatics from Rowan University and graduated Magna Cum Laude. Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:



If you would like to get in contact with me, this is a good place to do it! You can additionally email me directly at swanwork102@gmail.com.